No. 18—6286
`Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the
`United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
`Attomey General State of Mississippi,
`Assistant Attorney General
`Special Assistant Attorney General
`(Counsel of Record)
`Office of the Attorney General
`Post Office Box 220
`Jaekson, Mississippi 39205
`Telephone: (601) 359-3680


`Juror Questionnaires of:
`David Minor ................................................................ 13.
`Thomas Sturgis .................. I........................................... 1 1a
`Brannon Cooper ............................................................ 22a
`Stacey Carter
`.............................................................. 3 33


`Case 2:11-0v—00072CWR Document 32~2 Filed 06107712 Page 84 M149
`, IJM...WMW.#—WMW--W_____H_.~_....._~
`These questions as not moanbto embarrass or to offend you. And we regret thht
`same queations may seem to miracle on your privacy. We: ask them because We believe
`that your full and candid answers will furthar the objecfiVG of a fair trial.
`Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
`Your fifllname: :33 VI c‘j
`Telephone number: Homa( ) $393604“? Offiou () 4/5 / / 2 “.5
`Place ofBirth: fig)“ 5 [lg 55.
`Ageg 5 (3
`Race: jgfiCK
`Parents’ Birthplaces:
`Mother: 61C4 {gag/V Cam/IV 1/?
`m S ‘
`Father: b01901) LW‘LLE
`Have you iivcd in any othsr county gimfing the last ten (10) years?
`If YES, list city andfor county:
`L 3817:;
`1a Respondent‘s Appendix


`Case 2:11-CV—00072»CWR Document 32-2 Filéd 06/07/12 Page 85 01‘149
`. "you...H_:,::T:__wuwwu_w___
`“ 'mo'Iof‘afiaafiozouegfiomoioroage‘o '
`Please fist the sohooEs you have attended.
`HighSchool: WOO/251%. bod/(SAME?
`‘ /
`College: 2! 5/669 {JUN/CHE;
`Vocational or Trade School:
`Professional School:
`Graéuate School:
`«333%635} Z 2/. d3M3,
`Degrees or Diplomas you hold: 54
`m4 ‘ggflgrgg (kW/5:76
`Who is your employer?
`C; 237'
`a}? VIZ/(S bawj
`29mg, DES-zoo— o
`What is your position and your duties at your employment?
`How 10mg have you been with the same employer?
`Q3? W25“ 4 ”ammo 5‘
`11. Who also have you Worked for in the past ten (10) yam-s?
`(@fléa 23M CT
`(0) Dates: -
`Have you ovor boon in the: miiitary sowioo: YES
`_ NO
`If YES, which branch:
`‘ Dates:
`Z (.1589;
`.4333! u‘
`ow x
`23 Respondent's Appendix
`1 15-70012.7848


`Case 2:11-cv~00072«CWR Document 32-2 Filed 061'07/12 Page 86 of 149
`' "'T5116?'E'fofifiéfiofififi'ééfiofihfifiéfio 3
`‘ 13‘ What rank did you roach?
`. Typo ofDischargo:
`Are you active in any veteran’s organimtiofis)? YES
`NO (2 I}:
`If YES, which organization(s)?
`Are you married
`, Divorced
`___, Widowedw
`, Single
`If you are/wore married, what its/was your spouso‘s
`Education level
`Roligious Affiliation
`Please list your children and their age(s), gondor(s), oooupation(s):
`E a VE’N / QQ 4237a (025") @flagg flSSz‘z flags/1%“ Li
`D& W13) 2?. MMCM jig?) M/L(Ba/(1 23% doom/g i9
`I -" 0) .M -
`,. A
`Besides voting, are you active inparty politics? YES.
`3, cow
`ow -
`1W “‘
`3a Respondem‘s Appendix
`“m ‘
`15700127849 7'"


`Case 2:11—cv—00072~CWR Document 32-2 Filed OBIOWlZ Page 87 of 149
`Jule:Infmmation Questionnanreupage 4
`Piease list the mgenizatiens you beleug to (church social, fraternal services,
`charitable, etc“) 4/. ”s
`rim/2?; F/ #3735:
`EM 32‘ fiesz/m‘ C/w<z/. (Zem:
`Please fist your hobbies and spate-time activities: F/5/2/ 2V?
`yoazde51// 3M0] @g/dza’éagz ng/adézg:
`Please list *{/he newspapers you read (and howmany times per week:you read
`1may) U ‘35!
`‘ Please list the magazines you read:m21"! E Z?0Mg
`4} wee
`323$ ns
`‘3?“ "
`4a Respondent's Appendix


`Case 2:1l—cv—OOO?2~CWR Document 32—2 Filed 06I07112 Page 88 of 149
`.....w—u wn nu—n—u-n——.————_—.pun-..—_'_..—‘_—_—.—.———..__m._1,¢_|d.A—4~‘.4I___‘_.nquu"vn-u—,—_—u_n-u-—- mWfiégfiBfiéjfa¥éggsflfuwu"'- —.—--_..—~>..————.
`22. Do you regularlywatch Eholooal television now'o: YES K '____ NO
`IfYBSmnwhotstatioo‘i We? 7’ V C/ 2)
`National television nows? Sc? fl? 5
`79 5 2‘9 56 DE;
`- I
`23. WhataroyourfavoritoTVprograms? 541ZELSZLgRM Li/£6.63
`LEE/77$ “94o w 5:
`(3904.21 J/Jows
`Do you have any personal, moral, or religious beliefs against imposition ofthe
`(loam penalty? YESW
`Not Sure
`25. Would the fact that some of the offenses charged in this oaso could be punishable
`by doafioprovont or impair your ability to return a Verdict ofguilty charged on
`thoso or 0&161: counts even if the state proved the defendant guilty of murder
`beyond areasonable doubt?
`No_ X
`26'. Will you avoid finding the dofendant guilty of murder in the trial phase oft’oo case.
`because you do not want to face, in tho sontenoiogphase, the tough question of
`whether or not to impose tho doafli penalty?
`- 27. Would any ofyour beliefs cause you to vote against the imposition offlio death
`penalty without rogard to the ovidonoo that might be doVoioped at trial or a
`soparato sontonoing hearing?
`S limo}
`om -.,
`53 Respondent‘s Appendix
`W '~


`Case 2:11-CV—00072—CWR Document 32-2 Filed 06107112 Page 89 of 149
`wmmmoomfiwmm—w “
`' ~
`Are your beliefs so strong that no matter what the circumstances of offensos woro,
`or no matter What the character offho dofondant was, that you Would not be able to
`vote: for a verdict to sentence the defendant to death?
`' ML”?
`Do you undorstand that ifthoro is a sentencing phase: after this trial,-and ifyou are
`called upon to decide the sentence of death, that whatever ymfir verdict is, whether
`death or not, you may be called upon to announce your agroomont of that verdict in
`open court individually?
`YES A/ no (g
`Are you emotionally oapablo of standing up in court and announcing youw Verdict
`as to the. clofondont being put to death?
` NO Not Sure 2g
`In all fairness, can you set asido any personal opposition, or your hesitanoy, to the
`death penalty, and decide this case based on the law thejudgo will gm you, and
`tho facts and circumstances of this case?
`Not Sure
`Do you know of any reason, perhaps one that you have not boon a'skod about,
`which would prevont you from retuming a sontonoo of death, assuming that was
`your verdict?
`45. (fl
`Do you understand that the burden of proof for the state in this case, as in any
`crnninal oaso, is not proof to a 100% mathematical certainty, or beyond all doubt
`whatsoever, but is procfboyond a, reasonable doubt?
`i, LEM}
`6a Respondent‘s Appendix
`‘ 15‘?0012.7852


`Case 2:11~CV~00072~CWR Document 32-2 Fiied 06107112 Page 90 Of 149
`H»-~———————---umWWW—me;'w~-——~——~——-mw~uéMuw-l-Jerer—InfomiafienQues’rionnairewpago-~ W._____';m._._'__
`. 1
`: l
`- I
`34. Wfll you hoid the state to a greater burden ofproofthan the law requires because
`this ease is one in which the death penalty may be imposed?
`Not Sure" /
`For example, because this case involves the death penalty, would you wont to be
`100% vermin, even though the law permits you to return a verdict of guilty if you
`have a doubt, so 10mg as wet doubt is not a reasonable doubt?
`YES 3
`' NO
`Not Sure
`36. Would you be less Iilcely to find someone guilty ifflrere was a possigflity of a
`death sentence?
`. YES
`NO 3
`37. Wouldyour views in favor ofthe deathpenaltyprevent or impair or interfere with
`your ability to foflow the law in deciding whether to impose a death sentence?
`‘ NO 25
`Ifyou have strong beliefs in fever ofthe death penalty, would this fact prevent or
`substanfiefly impair your ability to return based solely on the evidence presented?
`Have you ever worked as a volunteer or employee in a law enforcement agency,
`prison, jail, correctional faoiiity, mental health facility on the local, county, 01‘
`federal level? YES
`If YES, please explain:
`7 eeoe
`e *
`we ‘
`To Respondent's Appendix
`15300127853 v


`Case 2:11—Cv—00072-CWR Document 32—2 Fiied 06l07112 Page 91 of149
`m.4-“nnéle-uT—‘Lmluu—hww—--w_-—-_——u—————f—fimxemlurorklnformatioleuestionnairo..«pago48_—L~mum-mm '
`Has a relative by blood or marriage worked f0}: any of tho piaces listed in the
`above onswor?
`ifYBsmhenand whom? 4/76.: my}; £55462
`,Mi?” g :4éfl£56.53)
`Name oftheperéon and therelationship: adj/I) U /%M/0{2.
`3, a o oso family mombor(
`Have you (
`), or a close friend(
`), ever stufliod law?
`Have you over appeared as a witness before a GrandJury? YES
`NO x
`If YES, when and where?
`Have you over appeared as a wimoss in :1 cm"'1 case? YES
`If YES, Was it
`on behalf oftho Plaintiff
`on bohalfofthe Defendant
`Havo'you over appeared as a wimoss in a orimifial case? YES
`NO Z:
`If YES, was it
`On behalf oftho State
`on bohaif offho Dofondant
`When and whore was this?
`Have you ever served on a Trial fury beforo? YES
`<3; 8:133
`W ‘
`" 15300127854
`Ba Respondent's Appendix


`Case 2:11-cv-00072—CWR Document 32—2 Filed 06107/12 Page 92 of 149
`- -;lmnrlnfomnationflusstigmairc;page_9w__;w___m
`' J
`l ll i i i
`E %l
`t l
`45. Was this a gflminal 03.56? YES
`Didthejury reachaverdict? YES
`Please aXplain:
`47. Hmyoueverbeenapartytoalegalaction? YES
`NO fii
`If913311, wereyou;
`thePlaintiff(person filing charges)?
`the Defanda'nt (person charged)?
`Was the verdict in your favor?
`Piease sxplain:_
`If grimigal, what were the charges involved?
`Weré you acqtfltted‘? YES
`IfNO, what was the sentence?
`), a member ofyom' family (
`Have you (
`. masked? YES
`NO 5
`IfYES, when
`), or a close: friend -(
`) ever been
`,on What charge
`9a Respondent's Appendix
`15“?OO12.?855 '
`i i


`Case 2:11;:3V—00072—CWR Document 32~2 filed 061071'12 Page 93 of 149
`- M; Wlmtor InfomatiomQuestionnaimxpagemlfl ;_ ._ "
`), or a 0 use {fiend (
`), any member of yofir family (
`Haw you (
`Victim of aviolent crime? YES
`) ova; {won the
`IfYES, what was The crime?
`Was anyone wasted
`audio: convicted
`oftho crime?
`), or a close fin‘endC )over had
`), amomber of your family (
`Have: you (
`doaiings with the District Attomoy’s offioo‘? YES
`EYES, please explain:
`Circle the number bolow which most accurately ropxosents your opinion of tho
`death ponahy:
`Strongly FaVOr
`Germany Favor
`Ganerally Opposed
`Strongiy Opposed
`Please doscfibo your opinion in farther detail:
`.mm m
`mm ‘
`103 Respondent's Appendix
`fl? a


`Case 2:11«cv-OOO72—CWR Document 32-2 Fiied OGIOW12 Page 62 of149
`These questims are nat meant-to cmbau‘ass qr to offend you. And we regret th'at
`some questions may seem to intrude on your privacy. We ask them became We beiieva
`that your fuli and candid answem will War the objective of a fair trial.
`Thank you for your understanding and coaperation.
`\ Lu: mm.
`5’! Hrgfs
`5-; "
`i J;
`i 2&3
`Telephone number: Home m g mug 2Z6 6,
`Office (61625 ‘ g ’27»- 4 fi ’2‘ 7
`Race; 6%
`gigmy? 4/; Age: 55"
`Place ofBirth: (Zfigflé
`Parents” BMplacas:
`gffig 5‘” fgflMgJ W
`Have you lived in any other equrltjz during the last ten (10) years?
`NO V/ 7
`If YES, fist city andfor cannty:
`l-- mug
`a"? .113 Respondent's Appendix $3?) a.
`1W ‘x


`Case 2:11—9v—00072—CWR Document 32—2 Filed 061071.12 Page 63 of 149
`Juror Infomat'ton Questionnaire" page 2
`Please list the schools you have attended
`Vocational or Trade School:
`High Sohooi (Mm £1: $154M Mgflnp 5494 cm:flj/FV-wi/f
`(b) Collegefl‘gism :5 Mi.
`54mg: #1
`Professional School:
`Gmdfiato Sohool:
`filth/{’5 éé 3): £21235va 1;fix I,
`Dog-oer) or Diplomas you hold: :QkowaL “ [224 D.
`a”? Q; fl 5‘;
`Whois your employer?
`Mourns 57/31, HMW’WWé’
`1oymeot?\'DI ,2: LL!“ agéfl‘bg
`What is our positionan youl duo‘s
`PYg~fiwrf+5§'m V"HIE.“”it? (if;
`PX?) ML H C4,..M‘Aff
`yédh‘ca)’SwwujA ”Why‘d ”WIDWE 3M
`10 glownmnfifi“’fih‘gygoonfifiiththe:sameemployer? 3%,?
`11. Who oiso have youworked form the pasttonfl0) ems?
`g5 )
`Wflm'r/ EMJWk-rr (€er
`3. DMg—flmmfyc“Jar(W W 3
`(a) Eggfiégh/V?3.
`How you over boon in tho militaiy sowioo: YES
`NO 25;
`IfYES, which branch:
`12a Respondent‘s Appendix
`mm \


`Case 2:11~cv-OOD72-CWR Document 32—2 Fiied 06107112 Page 64 of 149
`I111:0: Information Questionnairevpage 3
` 13‘ What rank did you mach? W . Type ofDischarge:
`Are you active in any veteran’s orgaifizationw)? ”YES "M NO
`If YES, which organizatioflCs)?
`Are you manied«11455—4 Divprced
`, Widowedw Single_?
`Ifyou airs/were.married, mat is/was you: spouse’s
`Name [In ‘ gq£wqugg Egan
`LUV-cl S 1.
`OCCUPfifiOIlEg'L“;'t-’ 1L QM VwLaquusationievel Swiméy 4/: (flag,
`Religious Affiliation {ME
`Pleasc Iistyour children and that ag3(s), gendefls), ooeupation(s):
`$nuL5 ...~ MM M
`Rahal "T" Sfiwypg'w Ma’flflé (£12
`Besides voting, are you active: in party politics? YES
`13a Respondent's Appendix
`5917? "‘-


`Case 2:11—cv—00072»CWR Document 322 Filed 06/07/12 Page 65 0f149
`Juror Information Questionnaixewpags 4
`Please fist the organizations you belong to (church, social, fraternal, services,
`ahafitabie, eta):
`"B-‘LEQ 251mg
`MM» 2- 14.‘
`Please list your hobbies and Sparaufime activities:MH- éz 35g : R, JIM?
`L11, nud- ()3:de S'VQW‘LKTLg Mfiywfiwfi
` Wm...
`Please list the newspapem you mad (and how 111me times per week you mad
`M413 £231% gig/4 Z-Afig [HZ
`éw‘m/ «$5.1:
`#v‘j J W
`H fltv’flkfl
`Please: ustmemagazinesynuread:
`M16 3/42”; ,
`fil‘fk/fiA/H é ,
`143 Respondent's Appendix
`W ‘1
`15—7001 2 7828


`Case 2:11—cv—OOO72—CWR Document 322 Fited 06/07/12 Page 66 of 149
`Juror Infomofion Quostiomah'owpago 5
`Do youregularlywatch thelocaltolovision now's: YES / NO
`IfYBSmnwhatstation? 44/ Magiwgflfi WED” w MLIEV
`Nationaitolovision flows? g Q’ 3
`245 C i7” g 5 C,
`23‘ What are your favorite TV programs?
`do“ #A/
` MmifiW—m
` f...
`Do you haw: any personal, moral, or roiigious boli f3 against imposition. of the
`death penalty? ' YES
`NO g4
`Not Sure
`25. Would the foot that some of the offenses charged in this oaso could be punishable
`by death prevent or impair your abifity to rotum a verdict of goiity charged on
`those or 011131: counts even ifthe state 93f0Vfid the defendant guilty of murder
`beyond a roasonablo doubt?
`26. Wiii you avoid finding the- defendant guiity ofmurder in thetrial phaso oftho oase
`booanso you do not want to face, in the sentencing phase, tho tough question of
`whotim' or not to impose the death penalty?
` YES ' NO
`'27. Would any ofyour boiiofé cause you to vote against the imposition ofiho death
`penaity without regard to tho widonoo that might be dovalopod at trial or a
`“13.1w ‘ 'x
`153 Respondent's Appendix
`1W ‘\


`Case 2111*6V‘00072‘CWR Document 322 Filed OBIOVKLZ Page 67 of 14-9
`Juror Information Questionnaire ~page 6
`Are your beliefs so strong that no matter what the circumstances of offenses were,
`or no matter what the ohataotor ofthe defendant was, that you would not be able to
`Vote for a verdict to sentence the defendant to (tooth?
`Bo you understood that if there is a sentencing phase aficox this Rial, and fits“! are
`called upon to decide the sentence of death, that whatovor your Verdict is, whether
`death or not, you may be called upon to annotmoe your agreement ofthat verdict in
`open oourt individhafly?
`1/ NO
`Are you emotionally‘oapablo ofstanding up in court and announcing your verdict
`as to tho defendant being put to death?
` NO __, Not Sure /
`In all fairness, can you set aside any personal opposition, or your hesitanoy, to tho '
`death penalty, and decide this case based on the law thejudgo will give you, and
`the facts and circumstances of this case?
`3 4
`Not Store
`Do you know of any reason, perhaps one that you havo oot been asked about,
`which would preVon’c you from returning a sentence of death, assuming that was
`your verdict?
`m fig w
`' 33.
`Do you understand that the botdon of proof for the state in this case, as in any
`criminal case, is not proof to a 100% mathomafioal oefininty, or beyond all doubt
`whatsoever, but is proof beyond a reasonable doubt?
`my ---.
`16a Respondent's Appendix


`Case Zrll—ov—OOO72—CWR Document 322 Filed 06/07f12 Page 68 of 149
`Juror Information Questionnaire «page 7
`Will you hold the state: to a greater burden ofproofthan the law requires becauoo
`this case is one in whioh the doafliponalty may bo imposed?
`Not Sure /
`For example, because this case inmlvos the alan penalty, Would you want to be
`100% cortam, even though the law permits you to return a verdict of guilty if you
`have: a doubt, so long as that doubt is not aroasonablo doubt?
`.NO Not Sure
`Woold you be less lflcoly to find someone guilty if there was a possibility of a
`Would your Views in faVor of the death ponalty prevent or impair or interfere with
`your ability to follow the law in deciding whether to impose a death Sontonoo?
`If you have strong beliefs in favor oftho death penalty, Would this fact prBVont or
`substantially imyair your ability to return based 301er on the evidence presented?
`_Havo you favor Worked as a volunteer or employee in a law onforco ont agency,
`prison, jail, correctional facility, mental health facility, on the
`cal, county, or
`federal level? YES
`EYES, IEIEIELSfi explaimmwwme
` 7
`17a Respondenl‘s Apponclix


`Case 2:1lucv—OOO72~CWR Document 32-2 Filed 06/07I12 Page 69 of 149
`Enter Infomafion Questionnaire ~page 8
`aboVe answer?
`Has atelative by blood ormarrrifiwvorked for any oftheplaces ii‘sted inthe
`EYES, when and where? Cam/L dung}: u. 43124;ng 12* .4 "who! vi 5"
`Name ofthe person and the relationship:
`tfih G3 {639;
`.5 {we 5; w 22” Mr“
`I-IaVe you (
`' YES
`), a close family member(
`NO (g
`), or a close fiiendfi
`), 6V6)? Shzdied law?
`Have you ever appeared as awi‘mess before a Grand Jury? YES
`If YES, when and where?
`Have you ever appeared as awimess in a em} case? YES
`IfYES, Was it
`on behalf of the Plaintiff
`on behalf of the Defendant
`Haveyoueverappearedas;awimessinaeliminalease? YES
`1N0 //
`EYES, was it
`on behalf of the State
`on behalf of the Defendant
`When and Where was this?
`Have you ever served on a Trial Jury before? YES
`15? oi;
`me ‘n
`188 Respondent's Appendix
`‘sifi’fl’ u,
`we» w.


`Case 2:11—cv—00072-CWR Document 322 Wed OBIOWSLZ Page 70 of 149
`. Juror Infoma 'on éfiesfiioonaire ~pago 9
`310/ L
`46. Wasfig 21mycase? YES
`Did thojury reach averdict? ‘ YES~14NO
`Phase explain;
`r?” my mm m
`I we ' 5
`“ "
`x- W‘W
`Haveyou overboon a,party to alegal action? YES
`NO 1/
`If civil, were you:
`the Plaintiff (person filing charges)?
`the Defendant (parson charged}?
`Was the: verdict in your favor?
`Pioaso explain:
`If criminal what were tho charges inwlvod?
`Wore you acquitted? YES
`IfNO, what was the sentence?
`arrested? YES
`) eVerbeen
`Haveyou{ ), amember ofyom‘ flaw, or a close fiiofid -(
` If YES, when M. ' ,cm what ohmgo ,
`61 mm?
`we H
`193 Respondent‘s Appendix
`we ‘a
`we 'w


`Case 2:11-cv-00072-CWR Document 32-2 Filed 06(07112 Page 71 of 149
`~ Juror Infonnation Quosfiomairo »-pago 10
`), or ad? friend ( ) we}: Been the
`), any member ofyour famfifl
`Haveyou (
`victim of a violent some? YES
`If YES, what was the crime?
`afidfor convicted
`Was mayone'arrested
`ofThe: Crime?
`), or a 01036 frioncM ) eves: 1 ad
`), a member ofyour family C
`Have you (
`dealings W1 the: Dishiot Attomoy’s office? YES
`IfYBS, pleaso explahl:
` W“
`Circle the number below which most accurately represents your opinion of the
`death penalty:
`Strongly Fawr
`Gonorafly Favor
`No Opinion
`Generally Opposed
`Strongly Opposed
`Please describe your opinion in further detail:
`.W o_
`203 Respondent's Appendix
`. .
`10. mm


`Case 2:11-cv-00072—CWR Document 32—2 Fiied OBIOYIIZ Page 72 of 149
`._.._._.........vw ____.._._._‘ ~—...L_....wma..—..—...._...m.4.._.____._‘.,.......
`_ Wigggmformafion Qu'ésfionnéiré " page 11
`Phase state any special health or other problems whichyou feel Wouid hinder or
`pmveni; your serving as a jurorzfl
`' «We/“wMM
`W- _W
`P162156 give all other infom’cion thatyoubelieve mightbe importantforthe 311ng
`611% lawyers to know about you as a. potential juror:
`.333: mfljgiwgi @315;
`[3.2 fl «My 4
`1 3:[ME6’0
`Date Signed
`JAM {4%} 5
`Jumr (please Sign fifl
`arms here}
`H. mm
`21a Respondent's Appendix
`‘Q .


`Case 2111:0V-00072-CWR Document 32—3 Filed 06107712 Page"45 of134
`JUBUR mmgmmomgugaggm
`.These questions are not meantto embm‘ass or to offend you. Andec regret théi
`some qusstions may seem to intimde on your privacy. Wt: ask them because we believe
`that your full and candid answers will further the objective of a fair trial.
`Thank you for your Lmdemtanding and coopexa’cion.
`Yourfufl mama: ‘
`523,525 Mir/04g
`, 5 7‘; £15,434;
`I Mb/fiémy, 47/9. gix’ffi
`Telephone numbcr: Home (la-I) éfifiwafiz Z Office 6&2, e556?" é 5’
`Place ofBiItth: glfiammmg 954',
`Race: A)
`Parents“ Birthplacas:
`. fi/r
`cz é a; 9 2g g c 9:
`£222 45% flat .
`.42 :2 ;.W
`Haw: you: fivcd in any other county during the last ten (10) years?
`NO 2f
`If YES, list city andfor county:
`22a Respondent‘s Appendix


`Case 2:11—ov-00072vCWR Document 32~3 Filed 06IOW12 Page 46 of134
`.Tualror Information Questionnaire“ gage 2
`Pieaso list the schools you haw attended.
`High School:
`Qfig i {.2 Z 2: fig 33 a 4
`‘7’ 21:4
`Vocational or Trade School:
`Professional School:
`Graduate; School:
`Degrees or Diplomas you hold:
`Vfioisyour omoldysr? @MWW WW 4:»
`What is your position and your duties at your employment? ”(£44mMW
`AAA-£35? M433rim; an/ag/ WMMJ
`Wag/224M ‘
`How long haveyou been with the same employer? 3a? Z; W
`11, Who also home you worked for in the past tom (10) years?
`1770 I
`@WWMW .
`(o) Datos: . '
`Have you eVor boom. in the miiitaly services: YES
` If YES, which branch:
`233 Respondent's Apfié’fidii
`vow 4 55-3001 2.7958


`Case 2:11—Cv~00072~CWR Document 32—3 Filed 06107712 Page 47' of134
`M J
`uror mformafion Questionnaitcnpage 3
`'I‘ypa ofDischarge:
`13. Whatrank did youIqaah?
`. Areyouactivain anyfieteran’s organizafion(s)? YES
`IfYES, which organizafion(s)?
`Ara you married
`, DivotcadwWidowedwSingle
`Ifyou arelweremarried, whatis/was your 3pouse’s
`. Namemwwm
`Occupation mm#44:.) $1 524% Education level
`52%,,“ cgggé/fiy
`Religious Affiliation
`2%; 42 fi if
`Please list your chfidren and their ageis), gender(s), oocupation(s)z
`Besides voting, afe:you active inpartypolitics? YES
`3 331.33
`W“ *
`“M ‘243 Respondent'sAppendix""""
`_~..__..__. .. _...
`.... w...-...._... ... _.. ‘.,.. ._. M... ...-._.. .... _u


`Case 2:11~cv-00072-CWR Document 32—3 Fiieci 06/07i12 Page 48 0f134
`. .\
`- 1......
`-.-.—. mun — ...".,._......._,_ m--.-- um...
`.V. _,, m “am-‘4.
`u—w-a—u-v— — r—‘—-‘A - —--—- - _...... u... -
`r..-“ v_. m . n F— .
`«n _ .... ....
`. . u -....
`F .__.._
`Juror Information Questionnaire-”paw 4
`Please:list“the organizationsyoubelongto (church, social, fraternal, services,
`charitable, eta):
`fig; a; flag
`95%ng d: 592%,? 5%
`ri9. Haas" 1igtyour hobbies and spareatima aothifieszmflééédw
`.1 WW
`Please list the newspapers you read (and how any fimas p61?weekyou read
`'- 1]
`Q22m ‘Z’Qég4%ng £5 E: " W74; fig
`fl WW
`1 WW
`Please list the: magazines you read:
`7’22. mI
`g M"'
`miggfi M5“? .....M.._,._._,_._W
`4, mm
`25a Respandent's Appendix


`Case 2:11-cv-00072~CWR Document 32-3 Filed 06/071'12 Page 49 of134
`furor Infomation Quostionnaira~pago 5
`Do yen regularly watch the; local television news: YES
`EYES, on what station?
`542,5 5 5,;
`23. What are. your fawrito TV programs?
`(123 J”
`g (1%.; g 2 obgggg fig
`Doyouhave anyporsonal, moral, orreligious beliefs against hnposition. ofthe
`death penalty? YES
`Not Sure
`25, Wouid the. fact that some of the offenses charged in this case ‘oouid be‘puniahabie
`by doafla prevent or impair your ability to rot-ma a verdict of guiity charged on
`those or other counts oven iftho state proved tho defendant gutlw of murder
`beyond a reasonable doubt?
` NO X
`26. Willyou avoid finding the defendant guiity ofmurdor in the trial phaao oftho em
`because you do not want to face, in the sentencing phase, the tough' quostion of
`Whothor or not: to impose the death penalty?
`2?. Would any ofyour beliefs cause you to vote against tho imposition of the death
`penalty without regard to the evidence that might be developed at trio} or a
`soparato sentencing hearing?
`“w v
`263 Respondent's'Appendix
`15400121964 "


`Case 2:11—cv-00072~CWR Document 32—3 Filed 06197112 Page 50 of 134
`... w .. .,.
`..._.._..._____.-_._ "WWW.“ - .....
`._ _....m. .m.....fl..w...._.,._.
`._.. .... H... ....‘..,..."...
`.1....‘..m..._‘....__.u ............ .....
`Jen-or Infomation Questionnaire rpage 6 -
`Are your beliefs so strong that no matter what the circumstances of offenses were,
`or no mattesc what the character ofthe defendant was, that you Would not be able to
`vote for averdictto sentence the defendant to death?
` 5-“ YES ' ' NO X E
`Doyouunderstmld thatifthereis asentencingphase otterthis trial, andit'you are '
`called upon to decide the sentence of death, that whatever your verdict is, whether
`death or not, you may be called Upon to announce your agreement of that verdict in.
`open court individually?
`- I
`Are you emotionally capable'of standing up in court ahd announcing your verdict
`as to the defendant being putto death?
`the facts and oircwnstanoes of this case?
`"MWNot Sore
`In all faimess, can you set aside anypersonal opposition, oryour hesitancy, tothe
`Do you know ofany reason, perhaps one that you have not been asked about,
`which would parent you from returning a sentence of death, assommg that was
`your verdict?
`Do you understand that the burden of proof for the state in this 0&6: as in any
`criminal case, is not proof to a 100% mafiaematical certainty, orbeyo‘nd all doubt
`whaiooeveribut IS proof beyond aW doubt?
`/ 41:5? WM
`No ' W5“ ?
`we ‘
`27a Respondent‘e‘fippendix
`1 5"?0012'7962


`EE ll
`Case 2:11»cv-00072~CWR Document 323 Filed 06107112 Page 51 of 134
`I Will you hold the stato to a greater btn‘clen ofproof than the law requires because
`this oaoo is one inwhioh the doathpenaliy may be» imposed?
`For oxamplo, because this case involVos tho death penalty, Would you wont to be
`100% certain, ovonthoughthe lawpermits you toreturn averdict ofguilty ifyou
`have a doubt, so long as that: aouht is not a reasonable: doubt? 7?
`Not Soro
`36. Wouldyou be loss likely togfmd someone guilty ifthere was a possibility of o
`death sontonoo?
`, Nomoxflfl'
`37. Would your flows in fat)or ofthe: death penalty provoot or impair or interfere with
`your ability to follow the law in deciding whether to impose: a death sentence?
`' X NO
`. "j
`l l
`Ifyou havo strong beliefs in favor ofto; death penalty, would this fact prevent or
`substantially impair your ability to return based solely on the evidence presented?
`N9 54
`Have you oVor workocl as a voluntoor or omployoo in a law enforcement agonoy,
`prison,jail, correctional facility,mentalhealthfacility, onthe local, county, or
`fedoral love}? YES
`IfYES, please oxplaln:
`7 133%
`1“” ““ 288 Respondent‘s Appendfil” “


`Case 2:11-cv-00072-CWR Document 32-3 Filed 06l07/12 Page 52 of134
`...-._.__. "m...4wu......--—u -----—
`",fiJ .u. un..-..._.. ... .1..." .. _...__...__............ ”awn-"#4 “Mun-u. ....._._....4 m. “w... .. .....- .-....-....w..1...,........- .. ..._.
`Juror Momafion Questionnaire ~page 8
`Has a relative by blood or marriage worked for any of the places listed in tha
`above answm'?
`EYES, when and Wham?
`Name: ofthe person and the mlationship:
`Have you( ), a class family membefi
`NO {X
`), or a close fl‘iend(
`), ever studied law?
`Haw you aver appeared as awiméss before a. Grand Jury? YES
`If 133, when and Where?
`Have you ever appeared as awimess in a ciyii case? YBS__“ NO X
`' If YES, was it
`on Behaif of‘the Plaintiff
`on béhalf ofths Dcfmdant
`44. '
`Have you. ever appeared as awi’mess in a criminal case? YES
`NO g
`EYES, was 'rt
`on behalf of the State
`on behalf of the: Defendant
`When and Where Was this?
`Haw: you aver served on a, Trial Jury bafore? YES . X
`Sr? M333.
`293 Rbspondent‘s Appendlx
`15—7093! 2.7964


`Case 2:1i—cw00072-CWR Document 32-3 Fiied 06(07112 Page 53 of 134
`Juror Information Questionnalre wage 9
`Was this a. cm'migal case? YES
`Did thejury mach avexdiét? YES x
`Please expl

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