Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 1 of 25
`Case 612°‘CV'00397'ADA D(””1111lllllllllfllllllllfllllll’llllflllllIlllilllillllllillfilll||||||||
`(12) United States Patent
`US 9,455,961 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`Phadke et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Sep. 27, 2016
`References Cited
`(71) Applicant: paSafeShare LLC, Colts Neck, NJ
`Inventors: Madhav S Phadke, Colts Neck, NJ
`(US); Kedar M Phadke, Colts Neck,
`NJ (US)
`(73) Assignee: PASAFESHARE LCC, Colts Neck, NJ
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 172 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 14/029,021
`Sep. 17, 2013
`6,185,684 B1
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`7,016,498 B2 *
`7,174,373 B1 *
`7,203,966 B2 *
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`2/2001 Pravetz et a1.
`5/2002 Gruse ..................... G06F 21/10
`3/2006 Peinado .................. G06F 21/10
`2/2007 Lausier ......................... 709/223
`4/2007 Abburi .................... G06F 21/10
`................ 713/185
`9/2007 Abbott et a1.
`11/2007 Dunbar ................... G06F 21/10
`6/2008 Peinado .................. G06F 21/10
`8/2009 Priestley .............. G06Q 20/206
`............... 709/229
`2/2010 Graham et a1.
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2014/0019758 A1
`Jan. 16, 2014
`Merriam-Webster, “processor”, 2014*
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 13/162,209,
`filed on Jun. 16, 2011.
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/702,292, filed on Sep.
`18, 2012.
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 29/06
`H04N 21/254
`H04N 21/4627
`(52) US. Cl.
`CPC ...... H04L 63/0428 (2013.01); H04N 21/2541
`(2013.01); H04N 21/4627 (2013.01); H04L
`2463/04] (2013.01)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`H04L 63/0428
`CPC .....
`USPC .......................................................... 713/1 68
`Primary Examiner 7 O. C. Vostal
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm iMeagher Emanuel Laks
`Goldberg & Liao, LLP
`System, method and apparatus for securely distributing
`content Via an encrypted file wherein a Publisher Key (PK)
`associated with an authorized publisher enables presentation
`of the content by the authorized user Via a Limited Capa-
`bility Viewer (LCV),
`the LCV lacking the capability to
`forward, print, copy or otherwise disseminate the content to
`be presented. Various embodiments provided enhanced user
`authentication or authorization, VPN functions, collabora-
`tion techniques, automatic distribution of licenses, water-
`marking of documents, rules pertaining to content transfer
`between secure and insecure domains and combinations
`See application file for complete search history.
`20 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
`1 ‘ Rename «m exams PD?
`1 (HA: mmdtum nr PDP "nk
`Remeve Ixmllefl
`capehlrw vlewer
`vwsram it


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 2 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1—1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 2 of 25
`US 9,455,961 B2
`Page 2
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`Wang et a1., “A Digital Cinema Playback System Compliant with
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`Bloom, D1g1tal C1nema Content Securlty and the DCI , 2006*
`* cited by examiner


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 3 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 3 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 1 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`1 Server 3133:.
`war k
`i 1 E
`U {DEL a":52 .n ;\J
`i UserDevice(UL})1DE§»1
`lntefiaces €30
`:ngmt 1" Output
`C-:>m eat 0 wner
`AME):iciaiion Engine PE
`Content Ccntmi Dam COD
`- Publisher Keys L321
`-~ Authorizatien Data fl...’
`- Come-r12 Simsumer Licensefis) CC _.


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 4 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 4 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 2 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`Determine Pubiésher Key
`Associated wiih the conieni
`_ Data Fiie
`“m. .. R Receive :’ Seieet (lenient or
`_ Streaming Media Link 2‘ URL
`Cement Link fer Puhiicaiien
`' iI
`Ceniem Owner informaiim‘:
`~ Unique ED
`i —Website
`- Address

`— Emaii
`— Author Enfonnaiien
` "mi
` Determine License Start and
`- Other
`3 13:5,
`Lflepyright/‘Daia rights. info
`‘ “ acrypaien Type
`. resentaiioi. E legram iype
`— 5P Address Range
`~- Aim-wed {fie-mains
`- {3:18 or mere flies e: Einks
`~- Specified Pubiésher Key
`- Specified Stam'Expiry
`- Tiefed keys {types
`-v Other censsii‘eiriis.
`Expire Dates {Times
`Determine any oiher iieense
`Creaie Preteefied Basement
`3' Package
`-» ()ihei‘
`— Emaii
`— FTP
`, Sireaming media
`_ Combinaiien
`Send Pretecied Document
`. Package'ioward autherized
`content (:orasumersl


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 5 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 5 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 3 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`we 3
`datastructure or PDP tink
`— Receive and execute PD?
`— Guhiieher Key!
`Tiered P‘Lit)Eisré‘er Key
`E~i<.Lceraee start and
`E expiry dates
`— Lice:wee terms and
`~ Other
`, "1
`Cempare existing ticenses 031(5))
`t0 PEEP iicense requirements
`' 34c:
`Store data file or
` Generate
`§ Ceneumer
`License Request
`cement cawrter
`Send CCLR to
`Retrieve Simrteci
`inertia in pretreated
`content owner
`mode of ortginat
`3 program or viewer
`« {lenient Consumer
`~ Specified Publisher
`Vi Deteiis
`— Daymertt Beta?:3
`E Delivery detaiis:
`E Tiers
`— Other
`streaming media
`wittm: encrypted
`temp package on
`lace? machine
`Present date fiie or
`Wait for GEE.
`from sentient
` ‘


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 6 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 6 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 4 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`HG 4
` — Specified Pubiisher Key
` O
`Receive CCLR from
`cement mneumer
`-~ (hymen: Consumer
`— Payment Detaiis
`- Beiivery deiaiis
`— Tiers
`-- Other
`42 .
`- Interact with
`cement consumer if
`_ Defauyg {imfiafigns
`and constrais‘ds
`-» Other

`betermme vaiidsty 9?
`request and whether to
`c-r' c-zmsta‘ain
`- Irzteyact with
`content owner if
`_ Financia! terms
`— Diner
`Generate Lament
`Lonsumer LECGHSQ
`Ti'eansmifi CCL
`towards requesior


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 7 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 7 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 5 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`Fifi 5
`E i3
`Content Own-:2: information
`— waists:
`» Addre3s
`— Auiharized Paint of Contact
`- Emaii
`» Author information
`-- {Sagayrightfil‘esia rights; info
`~ Number of Pubiisher Keys
`requested and key iypis‘:
`/ g
`Create Pubiiqher
`J ‘7
`ixe Recues'i PKR‘:
`— interact with content owner if
`{Jefauit iimitatiens and
`it“ ’
`PKV determines; if request is
`vaiici and zidapi f constrain as;
`- Other
`“ " '5‘5' “end ermr 1' ciemzii
`/ x.)\
`g “18532.98WWW
`generate encrypted Put-fisher
`quantity and iype: and Publisher
`Unique Scientificaiion
`'i'i‘anesmii F’Ki's} in:
`the requesior
` Requester determines PKfis)
` -
`iiiszii'ibiii'icm iistss and
`disiiibutes PMS)- as
`q (
`! Keyis} PKofappmpriate
`Jfinanciai Terms
`~ Coiieague
`— Cusiemeifpastner
`~ Authorized Pubiisher
`»- Menibizzr 0f euthgiized group
`~ Gther
`Recipients 1' Distribution iisi
`members register PMS.) m
`their respective PM(S)


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 8 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 8 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 6 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`45 Eli Eneiygied
`H9 3-
`128 Bit Encryptetfi
`pa ckage EH23}
`File View Data Fiies in
`Enenjp led
`"View Mode“.
`‘ Sph‘pifififll Publisher Key
`Data is View Only.
`NU Piintirig,
`“W 1
`E One or Mme Data i Ewing: ECWHQ-
`Media; Files (lenient
` , J su 191’ can View ail
`.__ peiz'riils Curileni
`Security tier for
`dale and media files in
`PUP wnh 2m specified
`Lialailviedia {has
`publisher key Eéi
`Engme 33E;
`Siibjeai if: license and
`btarl Date and EXP“
`U ~
`PD? conslwinls. Each
`Date for PDP
`Ow near)
`aequeslati data 01
`media He is exlracied
`from PUP in encrypted
`Burma! fur seuuse
`Package PD?
`128 Bit Encrypted
`package {Conteni
`Consumer Ligense
`file gm
`4 .\o\yil~l\.
`Fla 4:
`aduie PM
`via Emaii
`web, CD, or
`Giiier meihod
`fig: 3-
`a Requesi i‘ifloduiszs
`. LRM gCQnieni
`§ n
`5 bonsumer)
`,r‘ ..
`123 Bit Encrypted
`package (Cement.
`Cansumes‘ License
`Cr 6
`i :3
`'- i
`t,,s£,<:._i.o(:l Fuelshor
`hey PK
`'* mm
`Content Consumer
`identifying Deiaiis:
`Name, Email,
`Cornpuzer ivlar-zware
`Signaling, User
`specific signatur".
`‘EsType, User
`1:. Compuiez.’
`Specific, Both, or
`Neiiher (Open Key)
`via email,
`web, CD. or
`other method
`F163 4:
`Pic 4’;
`$15 3% Engine LE.
`r ‘.«.»+
`:1! Owner Grams
`RC’U” ”gm
`peimmbmn if} cunlent
`consumer. Fem sion 1:2m
`he pc Spec.
`. _
`.r specsfic.
`btrlli. or rae' Ker. Oziier
`lrainls such as tier and
`'vc. Sales can else be


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 9 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 9 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 7 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`(31311113111 coneumer
`seéects szpemfic
`cement €119
`accese from PEP
`Se.e! cied c011feet is
`deg:mypted it) 21
`temporary file on iiie
`system RAM, or
`g Presen ted using
`methode 1‘01
`trensferré11g data
`’ be?ween app'ications
`such as OLE. SDE.
`3 01011113;
`Seiecfiedee:atent is stared in a temp
`1‘11e (encrypted 01' unencrypted, Stand
`aicne fiie er database €116): and
`presented in protected made
`Rei1123115 Limited
`(32113511311111; Viewer
`14-:0:11am 1f11‘eded
`Temp {He is deleted.


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 10 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 10 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 8 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`Fig. 8
`Presented using
`OLE, DEE er oiher
`Centem censumer
`selects specific
`centem féie for
`access from PEEP
`Retrieve {imited
`Seiemed comem
`presented in
`eapebiiifiy viewer
`program if needed
`preteefied mode


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 11 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 11 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 9 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`- Receive and execute PDP
`data structure or PDP link
`Compare existing licenses (CCL(s))
`to PDP license requirements
`'- \\\\xx“““m““““““mmmm“““mmmxx““mmm
`- Publisher Key/
`Tiered Publisher Key
`_- License start and
`expiry dates
`- License terms and
`- Other
`\‘ ‘3‘;
`Yes £\
`fl \\\No
`\\\\\\\\\\\\\m\\\\\\\\\\\\ /azzz/
`00 0)O
`License Request
`Enhanced User
`Authorization and
`. Authentication EUAA
` rF xxm
`3 0
`Store data file or
`\ 7
`streaming media
`within encrypted
`temp package on
`local machine
`Present data file
`E E
`or media in
`Retrieve limited
`, M‘s\
`- Specified Publisher
`- Content Consumer
`\ Details
`- Payment Details
`- Delivery details
`- Tiers
`- Other
`.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIWfllllllmnmmflm, I”,/WW””.mflfimmumflm
`-GPS coordinates
`content owner
`\\m\\\\x EF
`/ I
`protected mode
`of original
`program or
`vrewer program
`capability viewer
`program if
`Send CCLR to
`content owner
` Yes
`- No\\
`Received ? f ‘
`Wait for CCL
`from content


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 12 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 12 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 10 of 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`Receive CCLR from
`content consumer
`- Specified Publisher Key
`- Content Consumer
`- Payment Details
`- Delivery details
`- Tiers
`- Other
`. \\\\w\\\\w\\\\vs\\\\w\\\\w\\\\vs\\\\\vs\\\\w\\\\vs\\\\\vs\\\\w\\\\w\\
`g -
`Interact with
`content consumer if
`- Defaultllmltatlons
`and constraints
`Determine validity of
`request and whether to

`ada t or constrain
`re upest
`x \
`\\ Valid? We"
`l M
`- Enhanced User
`Authentication and
`Authorization EUAA
`-Biometric data
`-GPS coordinates
`”luau/11111111; \‘
`Send error / denial
`@ G
`enerate Content
`Consumer License
`xx“mx“m“xm“x“xxmmwmxxxmmm ‘
`Transmit CCL
`towards requestor

`t g
`- Interact with
`content owner if
`- Financial terms
`- Other


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 13 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1—1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 13 of 25
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 27, 2016
`Sheet 11 0f 11
`US 9,455,961 B2
`Content (Data,
`documents, etc)
` w
`ublisher Keys PKs
`t aS gt
`Content Transfer (Email,
`device interface , USB, CD,
`Web Transfer, File Transfer,
`Messaging, data download
`from VPN, other)
`Inside Network,
`Domain, “Trusted
`area”, other
`oI,,5»o“~°"”§|§:ta MM
`@1130 allowed for \\\\
`\ \Transfer7 “as”
`—\ i .p.c
`Create PDP with the
`“Trusted Area” Boundary
`Outside Network,
`OutSide Domain,
`“Non Trusted area”,
`Content Consumer
`FIG. 11


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 14 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 14 of 25
`US 9,455,961 B2
`This application is a continuation-in-part of pending US.
`patent application Ser. No. 13/162,209, filed on Jun. 16,
`the benefit of Provisional Patent Application Ser. No.
`filed on Sep. 18, 2012, entitled SYSTEM,
`TRIBUTING CONTENT; both prior applications are incor-
`porated herein by reference in their entireties.
`The invention relates generally to the distribution of
`content and, more specifically but not exclusively, protecting
`such content from redistribution or re-presentation.
`The various techniques exist for secure content distribu-
`tion. Such techniques include password protection of con-
`tent (e.g., password protection of a document or media file),
`access restrictions associated with content (e.g., usemame
`and password requirements associated with a web portal)
`and so on. Some of the techniques require proprietary
`software or middleware executed at a client device. Other
`techniques require real-time user authentication via an
`authentication server or other device connected to a client
`via a network such as the Internet.
`Various deficiencies in the prior art are addressed by
`systems, methods and apparatus providing secure content
`publication and presentation capabilities. One embodiment
`of a method for securely distributing content, comprises
`generating an encrypted file including content or a link
`thereto, and a Publisher Key (PK) associated with presen-
`tation of said content by an authorized user via a Limited
`Capability Viewer (LCV); and propagating the generated
`encrypted file towards a user. The LCV may comprise 1) a
`program specifically designated to consume content while
`restrict editing, printing, copying, etc. of content; or 2) a
`native program for consuming content which is used in a
`restrictive mode to restrict editing, printing, copying, etc of
`content. Only users who have a Content Consumer License
`(CCL) compatible with the encrypted PK may access and
`consume the content. The CCL may be distributed via
`hardware or
`software. Various embodiments provided
`enhanced user authentication or authorization, VPN func-
`tions, collaboration techniques, automatic distribution of
`licenses, watermarking of documents, rules pertaining to
`content transfer between secure and insecure domains and
`combinations thereof.
`The teachings herein can be readily understood by con-
`sidering the following detailed description in conjunction
`with the accompanying drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 depicts a high-level block diagram of a system
`according to one embodiment;
`FIG. 2 depicts a flow diagram of a secure content publi-
`cation method according to one embodiment;
`FIG. 3 depicts a flow diagram of a secure content pre-
`sentation method according to one embodiment;
`FIG. 4 depicts a flow diagram of a method for processing
`a content consumer license request suitable for use in
`various embodiments;
`FIG. 5 depicts a flow diagram of a method for processing
`a publisher key request suitable for use in various embodi-
`FIG. 6 graphically depicts an embodiment of the inven-
`FIG. 7 depicts a flow diagram of a method for opening a
`Protected Document Package (PDP) and presenting content
`via a temporary file;
`FIG. 8 depicts a flow diagram of a method for opening a
`Protected Document Package PDP and presenting content
`FIG. 9 depicts a flow diagram of a secure content pre-
`sentation method according to one embodiment;
`FIG. 10 depicts a flow diagram of a method for processing
`a content consumer license request suitable for use in
`various embodiments; and
`FIG. 11 graphically depicts an embodiment of the inven-
`To facilitate understanding, identical reference numerals
`have been used, where possible,
`to designate identical
`elements that are common to the figures.
`A secure content distribution capability is depicted and
`described herein. The secure content distribution capability
`enables efficient and secure distribution of content to spe-
`cific users for a limited purpose, such as presentation of a
`securely distributed document upon a presentation device.
`The securely distributed documents may not be printed by
`specific users or forwarded to other users for presentation,
`printing or other purposes.
`Although the secure content distribution capability is
`primarily depicted and described herein within the context
`of a specific document format, it will be appreciated that the
`secure content distribution capability may be used for dis-
`tributing documents according to various other formats.
`Broadly speaking, the secure content distribution capability
`may be used to securely distribute any type of content
`including documents or files according to various formats,
`as well as streaming media such as audio and/or video and
`other active content.
`The various embodiments include methodologies imple-
`mented in software and/or hardware for securely distributing
`content such as documents between content owners or other
`content source entities and content consumers. These secu-
`rity methodologies provide user specific authentication,
`machine specific authentication and the like to ensure that
`only a specific user, or a specific user machine, or a specific
`user on a specific user machine is authenticated to access the
`secure content. Moreover, the security methodologies pre-
`vent users from printing, copying, modifying or saving the
`protected documents, and are capable of providing security
`within and across corporate networks and other domains.
`For example, where protected documents or files are sent to
`other users via email or other transfer means, the documents
`or files are unreadable by recipient without permission of
`content owner.


`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1-1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 15 of 25
`Case 6:20-cv-00397-ADA Document 1—1 Filed 05/14/20 Page 15 of 25
`US 9,455,961 B2
`The various embodiments contemplate that securely dis-
`tributed content, documents or other files is presented using
`Limited Capability Viewer LCV for viewing in a native
`content, document or other file format. For example, a
`Microsoft PowerPoint file protected according to various
`embodiments may be viewed using the end user’s Microsoft
`PowerPoint or Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer program.
`Thus, all animations, multimedia, and other dynamic content
`are preserved and the end user will get a true presentation
`experience. However, all content
`is fully encrypted and
`protected while opened by the user and also during trans-
`mission from the content owner to the user. Similarly,
`Microsoft Word, Excel, Visio, and other files which are
`protected by the software will be viewed using correspond-
`ing native programs while protected.
`A protected document package can have one or multiple
`files. These files can be grouped into tiers of security level
`so that end users can access only the files they are specifi-
`cally authorized to access. A protected document package
`may comprise a database including varying one or more
`content files, wherein the one or more content files are
`extracted from the database prior to secure presentation via
`the Limited Capability Viewer LCV program.
`It is noted that the content owner does not need to know
`all the end users before creating the protected document
`packages. In this manner, the various embodiments elimi-
`nate a need for a common, central user management service
`while allowing for easy within domain, cross-domain, and
`cross-company sharing of protected documents.
`It is noted that there is no requirement for online verifi-
`cation of a user prior to secure presentation of a protected
`document package. Keys and other data structures adapted
`for enabling secure presentation of the protected document
`package may be distributed prior to secure content presen-
`tation or after an attempt to securely present the content.
`Moreover, multiple keys of different types are employed
`within the context of the various embodiments to enable a
`flexible mechanism for securely presenting content.
`FIG. 1 depicts a high-level block diagram of a system
`according to one embodiment. Specifically, the system 100
`of FIG. 1 contemplates a plurality of user devices 105
`communicating with each other via the network 106. In
`various embodiments, the user devices 105 optionally com-
`municate with a server 107 via the network 106.
`The plurality of user devices 105 are denoted as user
`devices 105-1, 105-2, 105-3 and so on up to 105-N. In the
`embodiments discussed herein, each of the user devices 105
`is configured in substantially the same manner in terms of
`hardware, software, resources and the like. However, it will
`be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the various user
`devices 105 may comprise different classes of user devices
`such as computers, mobile devices, smart phones, set-top
`terminals, heavy clients, light clients and so on. Generally
`speaking, a user device 105 is simply a device capable of
`operating in accordance with one or more aspects of the
`present invention, and many different user device configu-
`rations may be used at the same time.
`As depicted in FIG. 1, each user device 105 includes a
`processor 110, a memory 120, communications interfaces
`130 and an input-output (I/O) interface 140. The processor
`110 is coupled to each of memory 120, communication
`interfaces 130, and I/O interface 140.
`The processor 110 is configured for controlling the opera-
`tion of user device 105, including operations supporting the
`secure content publication and presentation capabilities
`described herein with respect to the various embodiments.
`The memory 120 is configured for storing information
`suitable for use in providing the advertising presentation and
`transaction capability. Memory 120 may store programs
`121, data 122, content 123 and the like. Within the context
`of the various embodiments, the programs 121 and data 122
`may vary depending upon whether the user device 105 is
`operating as a content owner, or a content consumer or both.
`When a user device 105 operates in a content owner or
`content source mode of operation, the programs 121 may
`comprise a publication engine PE, a licensing engine LE
`and/or other programs adapted for implementing the secure
`sourcing/publication methodologies
`herein. Similarly, in the content owner or content source
`mode of operation,
`the data storage 122 may comprise
`content control data CCD, publisher keys PK, authorization
`data AD and/or other data adapted for implementing the
`sourcing/publication methodologies
`described herein. The content storage 123 may include
`content, uniform resource locators (URLs) or other data
`structures pointing to content, to be securely published and
`transmitted toward one or more user devices 105 operating
`in a content consumer mode.
`When a user device 105 operates in a content consumer or
`content destination mode of operation, the programs 121
`may comprise a presentation module PM, a license request
`module LRM and/or other programs adapted for implement-
`ing the secure content consumption/presentation methodolo-
`gies described herein. Similarly, in a content consumer mode
`of operation, the data storage 122 may comprise one or more
`Content Consumer Licenses CCL and/or other data adapted
`for implementing the secure content consumption/presenta-
`tion methodologies described herein.
`Generally speaking,
`the memory 120 may store any
`information suitable for use by the user device 105 in
`implementing one or more of the secure content sourcing/
`publication methodologies described herein, the secure con-
`tent consumption/presentation methodologies described
`herein or other functions.
`The communications interfaces 130 may include a loca-
`tion signaling interface such as a global positioning GPS and
`or cellular telephone tower triangulation system to deter-
`mine the location of the user device 105.
`The communications interfaces 130 include one or more
`services signaling interface such as a Wi-Fi or WiMAX
`interface, a 3G wireless interface, a 4G wireless interface, an
`Ethernet interface and the like for supporting data/services
`signaling between user device 105 and the network 106. It
`will be appreciated that fewer or more, as well as different,
`communications interfaces may be supported. The various
`communications interfaces 130 are adapted to facilitate the
`transfer of files, data structures, messages, request and the
`like between various entities in accordance with the embodi-
`ments discussed herein.
`It will be appreciated that the various embodiments do not
`require a continual online presence. Once content consumer
`has received CCL from content owner (whether via hard-
`ware or software), the content consumer can be completely
`disconnected from all networks and communication inter-

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